Signs You Have an Outdated Website and It’s Time for An Update

You don't want to be "That Business" with the outdated flashy obnoxious website that sends potential customers running, do you? If you currently have a website and you're wondering if it's time for an update you probably are due for one soon. Here are some signs to help you recognize outdated features on your website. 

·        Lack of a Responsive Design [Mobile ready]

·        3D buttons

·        Generic and outdated clipart and stock images. And animated Gifs.

·        If your website is older than five years, your website may not be built for the current SEO requirements. 

·        Visible hit Counters

·        Under construction

·        Pop-up boxes

·        Scrolling or Marquee text

·        Fonts - times new roman, comic sans

·        Incompatibility with Web Browsers

·        Outdated or Incorrect Content [this includes old blog posts.]

·        Poor User Experience

·        No SSL certificate to show your website is safe and isn’t HTTPS enabled

·        If users are getting 404 errors, it means they are landing on pages that don’t exist. 



Need a little help? Send us a message for a free no-obligation quote. 

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